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About Us

Learn about Tristan Fleet Management

Learn about Tristan Heavy-Duty Truck & Trailer Parts


Tristan Fleet Management is your comprehensive fleet maintenance solutions partner and provider. Whether you operate as an owner-operator or are responsible for an entire fleet, Tristan is the alternative solution to ensuring that you have the right equipment and that your equipment is well taken care of.

From truck and trailer repairs to equipment sales (trailers new & used), we also offer a large inventory of aftermarket parts (new & used) and tires.

Tristan’s has got you covered to keep you focused on what matters most, your core mission.

With Tristan’s competitive pricing and custom-built fleet management solutions, you can benefit from having a professional e team without the hassles of managing one.

Your job is to deliver, ours is to make sure that you do.

“We want to help carriers and fleet owners focus on their core business, delivering on time, all the time, at the lowest cost. With Tristan reliable and personalized fleet management solutions, your trucks and trailers stay where they can earn money: on the road!”

- Daniel Barbu, VP

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To be your fleet management partner, accompanying you through the equipment purchase, repairs and maintenance, and the aftermarket sales of quality brand parts and tires, at competitive prices.


Your job is to deliver. Ours is to make sure you do.


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